Yesterday, I heard the words "Love Awareness" when asking God what was on His heart.
Love – agape = a high regard, appreciation, and loving concern.
Aware – ginōskō = to know, recognize, learn to know through personal experience. Webster defines awareness as the state of being aware: knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists.
Sometimes, we can be more aware of our faults and failures than God's constant, consistent love. We often need to be reminded that the scars on Jesus' body far outweigh the scars on our hearts. God wants us to be aware of His constant love more than what appears to be our constant fails.
His scars cover our sins, failures, and frailties.
Isaiah defined the cross exchange. Jesus’ blood for our sins. But this supernatural exchange goes even further.
~ In exchange for our weariness is Christ's strength.
~ In exchange for the heaviness that tries to steal our breath and steal our hallelujah is a garment of praise.
~ In exchange for our grief, we receive comfort.
~ In exchange for the ashes of our pain, we receive beauty.
Praise the Lord, for He IS GOOD, and His mercy is new today!
But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loves us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), - Ephesians 2:4-5
Even when we were in our cesspool of depravity, God loved us and planned our escape from the snare of the fowler – the devil.
God's mercy is not left over from yesterday's storehouse – oh no, it is freshly produced for us today and all the pain of life.
When the Hebrew people wandered the desert for forty years, they had fresh nourishment, manna, every day. God did not allow them to keep enough for tomorrow, for His provision would be fresh every day!
Jesus said, give us today our daily bread. Sufficient is today’s manna.
The Father's mercy and grace flow from His endless supply of love.
Today, we can put a band-aid of mercy on our aching bodies and over our broken hearts.
To band a wound is to stop the bleeding. Holy Spirit tourniquet is our portion. He comes to the aid of God’s people and stops the bleeding, comforting us in our affliction.
Love wins.
As sons and daughters of God, we have the privilege of reaching for a fresh portion of God's grace and declaring it sufficient for all our weaknesses.
In the weakness of our bodies, we can be reminded of the frailty of our humanness and that I AM has us even when it feels as if we are suspended over a cliff awaiting the break. Even if we do break – the Potters Hand will fix us.
~ You are not alone.
~ You are not doing this on your own.
~ You are in Christ, and your life is no longer yours.
~ You chose Him after He called you.
~ You are in Shalom.
Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due time, you will reap a harvest if you do not give up. - Galatians 6:9
Let's pray,
Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe, I am grateful. Thank You for making a way for me to become a child of God and closing the gap that sin created. Thank You for giving me the greatest Gift of all time - Your Son, Jesus Christ. I say yes to Your much-needed love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.
Encouraging. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this encouraging message..